
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ballet is hard and stuff

So this girl went to her first rehearsal for Les Sylphides on Friday and the day after she found this super nice thing:

These are my knees, yeah. Nice bruises, huh? And they hurt, in case you're wondering.

Lovely, innit?!
Nice to know that pink tights cover everything up, because if I get three bruises after each rehearsal, I won't have acceptable legs to dance with in January.

Keep dancing, anyway!


  1. ufff vaya heridas de guerra! pero como te las has hecho? ten cuidadin Nerea :)

  2. @Polly Juajua, es lo que tiene el ballet neoclásico... un segundo estás de pie y al segundo siguiente tienes que ponerte de rodillas o arrastrarte por el suelo. Durante los ensayos me di cuenta de que me estaba haciendo daño al caer de rodillas, pero tampoco pensé que fuera a pasar esto, xD.
    Me están dando ganas de comprarme unas rodilleras!

  3. @Hannah Haha right? They can't say I don't give all I got! =)

  4. It's so familiar to me... But if you do ballet, you have to forget about pain or unpleasant sensations. So these bruises are everyday occurrence.=)
    You're on the right track. I heartily wish you to fulfil your dream. Maybe you'll do the thing I can't...
